Thursday, July 24, 2008

Please submit your high school videos

Jeff Garstecki posted a video on his Facebook profile that will really jog your memory about the inside walls of Rochester High School. Starring Eric Kaupilla as the classic "nerd", Garstecki and other Rochester High School alumni from the Class of 1989 made the video "Lunch Money". Yes, tell your kids, we did have video cameras in the 80s.

The video was made right after "the new part" of Rochester High was opened up. See the now 20-year-old carpeted halls, the lockers, the "mall" and even the parking lot....before the scene changes to other locations in Rochester.

Do you have a video from high school featuring '89 alumni? Please post your video to YouTube and send me the link. I'll blog it and keep our records of our alumni history all in one place. Then, we can all come back to the blog and enjoy for years to come. Also, your videos might give us fodder for our reunion event presentation. Please help out!


Anonymous said...

Awsome! thanks for posting that Jeff. harold

Anonymous said...

Funny, I just ran into Mike Jacobson at my nephew's (his son's) T-ball game last week while visiting in Michigan. Nice job Spielberg! ;-) I wonder if I can find the video of me being hypnotized at the All Night Party.